Mid-Career/Established Investigator Research Grant Award

The foundation offers mid-career grants intended as seed money to help launch exploratory and high-risk, high-reward research into muscle and nerve disorders by mid-career or established researchers. Applications should directly relate to a  muscle and nerve disorder covered by the AANEM. 




  • Exploratory, novel studies that break new ground or extend previous discoveries toward new directions or applications.
  • High risk high reward studies that may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or result in novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models or applications that will impact biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research.
  • Require a high degree of innovation.
  • Project overlap, whether scientific, budgetary, or commitment of an individual's effort greater than 100 percent, is not permitted.

Grant Benefits

  • Up to $50,000 for up to 2 years (total award $100,000 including indirect costs)
  • Complimentary AANEM membership and a subscription to Muscle & Nerve during the duration of your project
  • Complimentary AANEM Annual Meeting registration the year your research is presented
  • $1,500 travel award to attend and present your research findings at the AANEM Annual Meeting following completion of your research


To be eligible for a development grant, applicants must:
  • Hold a Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Science (DSc), or equivalent degree (eg. DO).
  • Have a minimum of eight years of post-degree experience at the time of application.
  • Be a member of a research team at an appropriate institution.
  • Be qualified to conduct a program as an Independent Investigator.
  • Have an acceptable research plan for a specific muscle and nerve disease listed.
  • Have access to institutional resources necessary to conduct the proposed research project.


Application Submission

Applicants should use the following Submission InstructionsApplication - Part A, and Research Proposal - Part B, to begin the application process. Completed documents must be sent to the ANF via email at foundation@neuromuscularfoundation.org.

Application Deadlines

  • Letter of Intent: January 10
  • Application: February 21
  • Notification: April 5
  • Funding begins: July 1

Review Process

All applications are reviewed by the Foundation Research Committee. Recommendations are brought to the Foundation Board for approval.